This CPB has been revised to state that PredictrPK IFX and Procise IFX are considered experimental, investigational, or unproven for therapeutic drug management. This CPB has been revised with the following: (i) add gastroenterologist to prescriber specialties for immune checkpoint inhibitor-related toxicity; (ii) add "moderate" severity to immune checkpoint inhibitor-related toxicity - inflammatory arthritis initial criteria. Previous version included "severe" only; and (iii) for "Other" section, updated time frame to have TB test completed from "within 6 months" to "within 12 months" of initiating therapy.
This CPB has been updated, for Aetna commercial plans, to designate Stelara as a lower cost equivalent alternative targeted immune modulator for Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriatic arthritis, and plaque psoriasis.