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Motivated to change
It’s said that a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. For one Aetna employee, the journey to lose 100 pounds also began with a single step: metabolic testing.
En el fondo, Emilee sabía que no era saludable. Los 34 años de edad, madre de dos hijos habían sido obesos mórbidos durante 10 años. Pero nunca pensó en cómo estaba afectando a su bienestar.
Los resultados de la prueba para el síndrome metabólico abrieron los ojos. Sus números de prueba incluyen una cintura de 50 pulgadas. Su nivel de triglicéridos fue de casi 115 puntos por encima del rango meta saludable. En pocas palabras, ella no pudo. Los hallazgos puso nerviosa. Pero también la inspiraron. “Me di tres días para estar deprimido. Y entonces nunca he mirado hacia atrás “, dijo.
Starting small
“October 24, 2011, was my ‘Day One.’ I began with eating better and walking on the treadmill a mile at a time regularly. Every Friday morning, I weighed myself. I kept a record with a goal of striving to see a smaller number the following week,” she continued.
Unos meses más tarde, Emilee empezó a correr. Se registró una milla de 15 minutos para empezar. Sobre ese mismo tiempo, comenzó a trabajar con un entrenador de bienestar Aetna. Durante sus sesiones de teléfono, su entrenador ofreció aliento y consejos útiles.
Una de las mejores sugerencias? “Descarga de una aplicación en mi teléfono inteligente para realizar un seguimiento de mi ingesta de alimentos y el ejercicio”, dijo Emilee.
Step-by-step success
Little steps became big successes. In June 2012, a still-overweight Emilee ran her first 5K race. And when next year’s metabolic syndrome testing rolled around? “I passed with flying colors, and cried,” she said. “And I never felt better about myself.”
Ella se quedó con sus recién encontrados hábitos saludables, y siguió corriendo, incorpora ejercicios de fuerza y continuó a adoptar una alimentación saludable.
En octubre de 2012, un año completo de su “primer día” Emilee completó el 13,1 millas Hartford media maratón.
100 pounds later
Before I had no energy… it was difficult to do things… I did not feel healthy.
I spent a lot of the time in my bed or on the couch, just watching TV.
I was over 100 lbs overweight.
My employer put out the communication that they’re gonna do Metabolic screening.
It’s extremely convenient.
I went down at the scheduled time, got tested within 5 minutes and got my results within two days.
I didn’t want to look at it, and I did, and it was not good.
Coach Emmye:
I’m Emmye. I’m a wellness coach here at Aetna.
Emilee is a huge success story for me.
I do feel proud. It’s a great feeling when you see somebody achieve their goals.
I attribute the success to being determined, and to help me be determined, I worked with a wellness coach.
Coach Emmye:
She’s achieved so much, and now the struggle is ‘how do I maintain?’.
I really have to prepare people that things are going to go wrong.
I had a lot of struggles during this period of trying to get healthy.
Coach Emmye:
When you know your kids are home sick from school and you have meetings all night long, what are you gonna do?
Mindfulness I think is a difficult thing, and a lot of us have a lot of things going on in our life. We’re multitasking.
I try to tell people, right now, what’s important to you, right here?
Are you taking the time to relax at night? Are you getting enough sleep?
Emilee had difficulty with snacking at night, and she realized her behavior was really the result of stress.
Yoga was my pathway in to helping with the stress.
Yoga’s great for your peace of mind. It really makes you feel good – it really brings everything together.
As I kept getting more fit & making more dietary changes based on really just asking her.
She was able to tell me what I needed when I needed it.
To me, she seemed like she was available 24/7.
It’s on the phone. It’s where you are.
I feel like she’s there for just me.
Ramsey (Emilee’s husband):
The dinners she makes, no matter what recipe she comes up with, they’re always fantastic.
It’s been a great change, I think it’s beneficial to all of us.
If I start the day with a run, the rest of my day feels better.
Running is my best stress reliever.
Empecé a correr 2 millas, y pasé los siguientes 5 meses esforzándome para llegar a correr 5 millas, hasta que ella me dijo “¡Ya estás lista!”. Ella me dijo: “Quiero que te inscribas en esta carrera”.
Y pensé, “sí, puedo hacer esto”.
Emilee’s transformation is-is fantastic. I think it’s had a huge effect on our whole family.
I tried to think of how I could make myself better.
I tried to think a whole-body wellness.
He perdido 100 libras, pero se trata de mucho más que eso. Me siento más saludable, con mayor control, y empoderada para hacer cualquier cosa.
Emilee found her path to well-being.
We can help you find yours.
Programa Healthy Lifestyle Coaching de Aetna
100 pounds later
Con una media maratón en su haber, Emilee fue grande. En mayo de 2013, se pasó la primera maratón de 26,2 millas. En 4 ½ horas.
That year, Emilee also hit her weight-loss goal: 100 pounds. She completed two more marathons. And developed a newfound confidence in her abilities, too. She noted, “When I started running, I always used to think I couldn’t possibly get to that next level. But I never stopped pushing. Now, I know I can do it.”x
En estos días, usted puede encontrar la formación Emilee para su primer 50k. (Sí, eso es un “cero” después de que el “cinco”).
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“Aetna” es el nombre comercial que se utiliza en los productos y servicios ofrecidos por una o más de las compañías del grupo Aetna, entre las que se incluyen Aetna Life Insurance Company y sus filiales (denominadas “Aetna”).
Los planes de beneficios y de seguro de salud tienen exclusiones y limitaciones.