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Retiree medical benefits made easy

With an Aetna Medicare Advantage plan, our goal is to make the benefit journey easier by creating a clear, connected and convenient pathway to health. We believe that health care is deeply personal and isn’t just about numbers and benefits. The right solution helps people live the lives they want to live.

Un enfoque personalizado

Un enfoque personalizado

We understand that no two customers or retiree populations are the same. That’s why we’ll use a personalized approach to help make your benefit experience seamless and successful. And we’ll align our solutions so that they best achieve your stated benefit goals – both for you as an organization, and as they pertain to the exact dynamics of your retirees and their needs.


Support from a marketplace leader

Support from a marketplace leader

We’re a leader in Medicare Advantage, particularly in the Group Medicare Advantage space, and have an excellent track record implementnig groups of all sorts. In fact, we:


  • Pagado el reclamo primera vez en 1966 por Medicare
  • Sirva sobre los patrocinadores del plan de Medicare Advantage grupo de 600 empleadores
  • Apoyar a casi 1 millón de miembros de grupos de Medicare Advantage
  • Trabajar con los empleadores de una amplia gama de industrias, incluyendo comercial, sector público y los grupos de trabajo

High quality plans that deliver

High quality plans that deliver

A través de décadas de experiencia y un conocimiento de las necesidades y prioridades de los que buscan el jubilado derecho cambiantes beneficios socio, hemos creado soluciones que pasado y que han realizado:


  • We’ve maintained a 4.0 Star rating or higher on our national PPO for the past five years
  • We have 80% of our Medicare Advantage members in 4 Star or higher plans and, for 2019, we improved or maintained results in 73% of Star measures 
  • We offer nationwide access to more than 750,000 providers and over 3,400 hospitals in our PPO network
  • We have a 96% satisfaction rating* based on feedback from our retiree members

* Encuesta de satisfacción 2018 miembro de Aetna



Providing you with innovative solutions

Providing you with innovative solutions

We've pioneered innovative solutions that help create financial savings for plan sponsors as well as personalized health solutions that support retirees. From highly personalized incentive programs to a new approach to managing financial risks and retiree health care liabilities, we’re focused on bringing creative strategies to benefit plan sponsors and members. We want to make sure you’re supported and have a truly differentiated experience. And we’re commited to helping your retirees achieve their best health, however they define it.


Mantener su programa de beneficios, al tiempo que reduce los gastos y riesgos

Mantener su programa de beneficios, al tiempo que reduce los gastos y riesgos

Los patrocinadores del plan se enfrentan con el reto de mantener su promesa de proporcionar una cobertura asequible, integral de salud para jubilados, mientras que la protección contra los costos, la volatilidad y los riesgos asociados con la provisión de que la cobertura.


Aetna and Prudential Retirement® are working together to offer solutions that help employers address this challenge. This includes a Group Medicare Advantage plan from Aetna, and a retiree medical buy-in contract from Prudential. With this solution, you can:


  • Help ensure the long-term sustainability of your retiree benefits program
  • Reduce retiree benefits costs, without sacrificing quality or coverage
  • Eliminate or reduce FAS 106/GASB 45 liabilities

Comuníquese con John Ficaro por correo electrónico a para obtener más información sobre nuestras soluciones conjuntas.


* This information is not an offer to enter into any agreement and issuance of any contract is subject to approval by the applicable state insurance regulator.

Avisos legales 

“Aetna” es el nombre comercial que se utiliza en los productos y servicios ofrecidos por una o más de las compañías del grupo Aetna, entre las que se incluyen Aetna Life Insurance Company y sus filiales (denominadas “Aetna”).

Este material solo tiene fines informativos. Los programas de información sobre la salud brindan información general sobre la salud y no sustituyen el diagnóstico ni el tratamiento suministrados por un médico u otro profesional del cuidado de la salud. Aunque creemos que la información es correcta en la fecha de elaboración, está sujeta a cambios.

Los planes de beneficios y de seguro de salud tienen exclusiones y limitaciones.

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