Links to various non-Aetna sites are provided for your convenience only. Aetna Inc. and its affiliated companies are not responsible or liable for the content, accuracy or privacy practices of linked sites, or for products or services described on these sites.
Want to sell with us?
We’ll help you get started.
Commercial and individual
Before you begin your application, be sure to check out the instruction guide below for helpful tips.
Sell commercial and individual
Onboarding instruction guide (PDF)
For onboarding questions:
Call us at 1-866-511-2863 ${tty} Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM ET, or email our Licensing and Appointment Administration Unit.
Group Medicare
Call us at 1-866-272-6630 ${tty} Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM CT.
Individual Medicare
Individual Medicare
We’ll take you to our sales contact tool to find your state’s sales rep. They can help you get started.
Watch a video about joining our team
Ready to bring your heart to work? Check out our featured video. We'll guide you step by step to get certified and onboard with us.
For onboarding questions:
Call Aetna Medicare Broker Services at 1-866-714-9301 ${tty} or email our broker support team.
[Music plays]
[Cut to the heart logo. An animation of a businessperson walks up and walks through a door in the heart.]
Voiceover: Looking for a rewarding career that offers growth and new opportunities?
[The heart opens up, revealing stock footage of seniors receiving medical care.]
Voiceover: Bring your heart to work by becoming an Aetna Individual Medicare broker. Let’s show you how.
All it takes is three easy steps:
[Cut to an animation of a letter opening. It reads “Get certified”.]
Voiceover: One: Get certified
[Cut to an animation of diploma unfurling. It says “Submit your onboarding”.]
Voiceover: Two: Submit your onboarding
[Cut to an animation of a pair of hands clapping. As they make contact, the words “Become ready to sell!” pop into view above them.]
Voiceover: Three: Become ready to sell
[Transition: A giant “1” swipes in from the right side of the screen. When it reaches the left side, it stops.]
[The right side of the screen is an illustration of a PC. Text under it reads “”]
Voiceover: Step one: Create your account at
[Zoom into the computer to reveal video footage of the website. A mouse is clicking through the options.]
Voiceover: Choose from one of two options for CMS required certifications, then complete your Aetna specific certification requirements. Here are the two CMS certification options.
[Cut to footage of the first option.]
Voiceover: Option 1: AHIP Medicare training: Offered at a discounted rate if taken through the Aetna certification portal. This certifies producers to sell for multiple carriers, including Aetna.
[Cut to footage of the second option.]
Voiceover: Option 2: Aetna Medicare compliance training: This certifies producers to sell Aetna-only products at no cost, however it’s not transferable to other carriers and Continuing Education credits are not available. This is Aetna’s AHIP alternative.
[A giant question mark swipes in from the left side of the screen.]
Voiceover: Still have questions about certifications? Don’t worry! Resources are available on our certification site.
[When it reaches the right side, it stops. The rest of the frame is filled with footage of the website, zooming in on the “Resources” section.]
[Cut to animated graduation caps ascending into the air.]
Voiceover: Congratulations! Now that you are certified. Let’s move on to onboarding.
[A giant “2” swipes in from the right side of the screen. When it reaches the left side, it stops. On the right side of the frame is an animation of a phone ringing.]
Voiceover: Step two: Contact your recruiter. Not sure how to connect with one? Get in touch with Aetna Medicare Broker Services. Your recruiter will send you a link to get started.
[Cut to footage of the email being opened on Outlook. Zoom in on the address.]
Voiceover: Look for an invitation email from Aetna Medicare onboarding from the address
[Cut to footage of Producer World.]
Voiceover: After clicking your onboarding link, complete Producer World registration. One invitation is all you need to contract yourself or your agency! Please make sure that you and your agency are properly licensed per state guidelines. You’ll be guided from Producer World to the Medicare onboarding system, where you’ll complete your application.
[Transition with a radial swipe resembling a clock moving 90 degrees clockwise.]
Voiceover: It only takes about 15 minutes to complete the forms and submit your onboarding case.
[The transition yields to an animation of a calendar progressing a few days.]
Voiceover: Contract processing can take as little as 24 hours but keep in mind that standard processing time can vary depending on completion of state and federal background checks.
[Cut to footage of the email confirmation.]
Voiceover: Once your onboarding case has been approved, you will receive email confirmation advising you of your contract level and effective date.
[A giant “3” swipes in from the right side of the screen. When it reaches the left side, it stops. On the right side of the frame is an animation of a check mark.]
Voiceover: Step three: Now that your onboarding is complete, actively verify your ready to sell status.
[The check mark splits into three checkmarks which bullet the following text:
Completion of annual certification
Having an active Medicare contract
Maintaining state license requirements and Aetna appointment status.]
Voiceover: Ready to sell status is determined by completion of annual certification, having an active Medicare contract, and maintaining state license requirements and Aetna appointment status.
[Cut to footage of the Producer World map.]
Voiceover: Producer World offers an interactive ready to sell map to keep an eye on you and your agency’s ready to sell status. Your ready to sell status is subject to change based on you and your agency continuing to meet ready to sell requirements.
[Cut to footage of Producer World.]
Voiceover: Now that you have verified you are ready to sell, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Aetna resources available on Producer World. These resources will ensure your success in servicing your members.
[Cut to an animation of confetti falling.]
Voiceover: Now you’re free to enroll new clients. Use your National Producer Number or NPN to write new business.
[Cut to footage of Think Agent.]
Voiceover: There are a variety of ways to enroll members outlined on Producer World, including Think Agent - our virtual sales office application.
[A giant question mark swipes in from the left side of the screen. Once it stops on the right side, icons of phones ringing, a laptop, and an electronic envelope appear on the left. List contact options, phone hours, Saturday hours, Spanish assistance appear beneath each icon.]
Voiceover: Still have questions? Aetna Medicare Broker Services is here to help!
[Cut to the heart icon from the beginning of the video. The businessperson emerges from the door. They wave their hand at the viewer and the URL “” appears at the bottom of the screen.]
Voiceover: At Aetna Medicare, our mission is helping people live healthier lives. We look forward to helping you and your clients.
[Cut to the disclaimer: This video is for broker educational and informational purposes only. Please do not distribute to members or clients.]
Medicare supplement
Ready to sell Medicare supplement and ancillary products? Request information about becoming an agent.
For onboarding questions:
Contact us at 1-800-264-4000 ${tty} Monday to Friday, 7 AM to 7 PM CT. You can also visit the Aetna senior supplemental products site to learn more.
Learn about producing with us

Learn about producing with us
We’ve put together some helpful basics to get you on board and keep you in the know throughout our partnership.
- Aetna producer agreement (PDF)
- Commercial producer addendum (PDF)
- Medicare producer addendum (PDF) - (Not for licensed-only agents and agencies with non-standard agreements.)
- Affordable Care Act addendum to the producer agreement (PDF)
- Aetna Individual Medicare producer guide (PDF)
- Medicare senior supplemental insurance producer guide (PDF)
- Producer compensation policy
Get certified
Get certified
Ready to take the next step? Now that you’re appointed with us, it only takes a few steps to get certified.
Get certified to sell
Check out training and contracting guidelines to sell these Aetna® products and get certified.
Learn about Producer World®
This is your online service center to help you sell Aetna products and grow your business.
Register for Producer World
Stop by anytime to access product updates, commission details, enrollment tools and more.

For certification and sales questions
Are you ready to sell? Wherever you are or whatever client you serve, we’re here to help.
Legal notices
Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).
Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.