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On the path to better health, better service plays a key role. We’ll give your clients’ members the personalized support they need to make the most of their benefits. For health goals that are right in reach.

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Banner|Aetna: A better patient experience


BEVERLY: Watching my granddaughter after school is the reason I get out of bed. I have high blood pressure and diabetes but she keeps me going. Until the day I couldn't keep up. I wound up in the hospital with congestive heart failure and suddenly, everything felt overwhelming. The doctor gave me a prescription and instructions but I couldn't tell if it was normal to be so tired so I decided to stop taking the pills and I wound up back where I started.


NARRATOR: Wait, let's rewind. What would it take to help keep Beverly out of the hospital? Welcome to the new world of Banner Aetna plans. It's where doctors can have up-to-date information, technology, and support to help prevent health crises. Inside this new world of connected care Beverly has someone to talk to and better yet, someone reached out to her to make sure she was recovering well.


[Phone Ringing]




HELEN: Hi Beverly, how are you?


BEVERLY: Hi Helen.


NARRATOR: Beverly's transitional care nurse, Helen, called to make sure Beverly was on track. When she learned Beverly had stopped taking her medication, Helen helped schedule a doctor's appointment that same week. Beverly's information was available to her doctors in real-time.


DOCTOR JONES: I can now view the records from Beverly's recent hospital stay in context with the rest of her medical history. That helps me focus on her whole health, not just her symptoms. So when Helen called me, we took action to keep Beverly out of the hospital.


NARRATOR: Nurses work with Beverly and her doctors to keep track of all of her symptoms and medications. They even arranged a home visit for Beverly when she needed one and they kept in touch after her appointment, helping Beverly continue to manage her health.


BEVERLY: After Helen set up my appointment, Doctor Jones lowered my dosage and by Tuesday my fatigue was gone. I feel more in control. Having a care team looking out for me helps me to stick to my routine, I even keep up with my granddaughter.


 [uplifting music]

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In the new world of connected care, Aetna's Whole HealthSM approach gives confidence back to patients. They’re taken care of by a focused team proactively reaching out to fulfill each patient's needs.

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Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

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