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OfficeLink Updates™

September 2024

Find updates on important changes to plans and procedures, behavioral health topics, drug lists, Medicare information and state-specific details.

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Attention North Carolina providers

Aetna® will be the new third-party administrator for the North Carolina (NC) State Health Plan beginning January 1, 2025.

For updates and information about the transition, visit the NC State Health Plan page.

Open enrollment begins on September 30, 2024, and runs through October 25, 2024.

Featured this quarter

Verify whether Aetna Passport to Healthcare members are eligible for care


Don’t turn away Aetna Passport to Healthcare members who show as ineligible after conducting a 270/271 EDI transaction. Due to how eligibility checks are run, when you do a check on Aetna Passport to Healthcare members, the system will not display eligibility or benefits information. Instead, it will give you a phone number to call.


Note that Aetna Passport to Healthcare accesses Open Choice® PPO, and the group numbers normally start with 8639 or 1493.


What you should do


Please call the phone number you see (you might have to expand fields or scroll to find the number) instead of turning the member away.


If you can’t find the number, please call the number on the back of the member’s ID card.


What you should not do


Please do not tell members that Aetna® doesn’t cover them. You must call the phone number to obtain eligibility and benefits information.


Read the verify whether Aetna Passport to Healthcare members are eligible for care article (PDF)

90-day notices and related reminders

Includes pharmacy updates


We regularly adjust our clinical, payment and coding policy positions as part of our ongoing policy review processes. Our standard payment policies identify services that may be incidental to other services and, therefore, ineligible for payment.


We’re required to notify you of any change that could affect you either financially or administratively at least 90 days before the effective date of the change. These changes may not be considered material changes in all states. Unless otherwise stated, policy changes apply to both Commercial and Medicare lines of business.


Use the drop-down box below to get a glimpse of the policy-related information you’ll need to know about this quarter.

Reminder: Be sure your profile information is up to date


Help members find you by making sure that your information is correct and available to them when they need care. Doing so helps you facilitate care and receive essential updates, and it could help you meet any federal, state or contractual verification requirements. 


Have an Availity® account? You can use our quick reference guide (PDF) to make essential updates in the Provider Data Management (PDM) tool on our provider portal on Availity.


New to Availity? This portal is available to providers in the U.S. and its territories. You can register to set up your account. If you’re unable to use Availity, find options to update your provider data.

State-specific updates

State-specific updates

Find updates on state policies and regulations that matter to your practice. This quarter, you will find information regarding the following states:

Behavioral health updates

Behavioral health updates

A majority of patients treated in a primary care setting have a physical ailment that’s affected by anxiety, depression or another psychological issue. Without the right support, these issues are often underdiagnosed.


We help you stay informed about behavioral health topics so that you can deliver the best possible treatment to your patients.


Use the drop-down box below to read summaries of a few of the behavioral health articles you’ll find in this issue.

News for you

Find general information — like new services, tools and reminders — to help your office comply with regulations and administer plans.

Medicare updates

Get information, including timely reminders and guidelines, to help treat your Medicare patients.

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