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Behavioral health Access to Care standards


We want to ensure that our members have timely access to behavioral health care. To that end, we maintain appointment timeliness standards.


Access to Care standards*


Time frame

Non-life-threatening emergency needs

Within 6 hours of request

Urgent needs

Within 48 hours of request

Routine office visits

Initial visit within 10 business days of request. Follow-up visits should be available within 5 weeks for behavioral health practitioners who prescribe medications, and within 3 weeks for behavioral health practitioners who don’t prescribe medications.

Following emergency department visit for behavioral health condition or alcohol or other drug abuse or dependence

Within 7 days of emergency department visit

Following hospital discharge for a behavioral health condition

Within 7 days of the inpatient discharge date

After-hours and emergency care

Each behavioral health practitioner must have a reliable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week live answering service or voicemail message.


MDs must have a notification system or designated practitioner backup.


Non-MDs, at a minimum, must have a message system that provides 24-hour access to a licensed professional.


Non-life-threatening emergency needs

Time frame

Within 6 hours of request


Urgent needs

Time frame

Within 48 hours of request


Routine office visits

Time frame

Initial visit within 10 business days of request. Follow-up visits should be available within 5 weeks for behavioral health practitioners who prescribe medications, and within 3 weeks for behavioral health practitioners who don’t prescribe medications.


Following emergency department visit for behavioral health condition or alcohol or other drug abuse or dependence

Time frame

Within 7 days of emergency department visit


Following hospital discharge for a behavioral health condition

Time frame

Within 7 days of the inpatient discharge date


After-hours and emergency care

Time frame

Each behavioral health practitioner must have a reliable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week live answering service or voicemail message.


MDs must have a notification system or designated practitioner backup.


Non-MDs, at a minimum, must have a message system that provides 24-hour access to a licensed professional.


*Some states have more stringent access to care requirements, and those requirements supersede Aetna® national standards.


Please see the Aetna Behavioral Health Provider Manual (PDF) (or visit the Provider Manuals page anytime for the most recent manual) for more information on Access to Care standards.


We know it’s often challenging to ensure timely care for your patients, and we thank you for your efforts to take care of our members as quickly as possible.

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