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California: DSNP Notice of Non-Discrimination and language taglines


The requirement*


Starting July 6, 2022, plans/providers are subject to federal requirements contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including standards for communicating effectively with people with disabilities to ensure they benefit equally from government programs.


Plans/Providers must:


  • Comply with all nondiscrimination requirements set forth under federal and state law
  • Post a nondiscrimination notice that informs members, potential enrollees, and the public about nondiscrimination, protected characteristics, and accessibility requirements, and that conveys how the plan complies with the requirements


Plans/Providers must start using the approved taglines from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) no later than July 6, 2022.


Details about how to comply


Please review the DHCS website for more information and required notices (links below).


The informational notices include the following:


  • Documents intended for the public, such as outreach, education and marketing materials
  • Notices requiring a response from an individual
  • Notices to an individual, such as those pertaining to rights or benefits


The nondiscrimination notice must:


  • Be posted in at least a 12-point font in conspicuous physical locations where the plans/providers interact with the public
  • Be posted on the plan/providers website in a location that allows any visitor to the website to easily locate the information
  • Include all legally required elements as well as information on how to file for discrimination


California DHCS resources


Threshold and Concentration Languages for All Counties (PDF)

Notice of Nondiscrimination Template (PDF)

Taglines template​ (PDF)

Statement of Nondiscrimination template for small-sized notices​ (PDF)

CA policies (also called All Plan Letters, or APLs) by year


*Standards for Determining Threshold Languages, Nondiscrimination Requirements, and Language Assistance Services Policy # APL 21-004 re-issued 5/6/2022 (supersedes APL 17-011 and Policy Letters 99-003 and 99-004)

Legal notices

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.

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