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California access standards


California law has established appointment availability standards to ensure timely access to necessary health care services. Our members have the right to schedule an appointment within the following time frames:

Appointment type

Time frame

Urgent care (primary care physicians)

48 hours from request

Urgent care (specialists, non-physician mental health)

96 hours from request

Non-urgent doctor appointment (primary care physician)

10 business days

Non-urgent doctor appointment (specialty physician)

15 business days

Non-urgent mental health appointment (non-physician)

10 business days

Non-urgent appointment (ancillary provider)

15 business days

As of July 1, 2022: non-urgent follow-up appointments with a non-physician mental health care or substance use disorder provider

10 business days for those undergoing a course of treatment for an ongoing mental health or substance use disorder condition

Appointment type

Urgent care (primary care physicians)

Time frame

48 hours from request

Appointment type

Urgent care (specialists, non-physician mental health)

Time frame

96 hours from request

Appointment type

Non-urgent doctor appointment (primary care physician)

Time frame

10 business days

Appointment type

Non-urgent doctor appointment (specialty physician)

Time frame

15 business days

Appointment type

Non-urgent mental health appointment (non-physician)

Time frame

10 business days

Appointment type

Non-urgent appointment (ancillary provider)

Time frame

15 business days

Appointment type

As of July 1, 2022: non-urgent follow-up appointments with a non-physician mental health care or substance use disorder provider

Time frame

10 business days for those undergoing a course of treatment for an ongoing mental health or substance use disorder condition


Exceptions to the above appointment time frames


  • The above time frames may be extended if the referring/treating provider has determined and noted in the appropriate record that a longer wait time will not have a negative impact on the member’s health.
  • Preventive care services and follow-up care may be scheduled in advance as determined by the treating licensed health care provider.


Rescheduling appointments


  • If it is necessary for a provider or a member to reschedule an appointment, the appointment must be promptly rescheduled in a manner that is appropriate for the member’s health care needs and ensures continuity of care consistent with good professional practice.


Aetna® does not delegate monitoring and assessment of these standards to any of our contracted provider groups. We will assess our contracted provider network against these standards by conducting an annual provider survey to assess appointment availability and a provider satisfaction survey to solicit concerns and perspectives.

Legal notices

Aetna is the brand name used for products and services provided by one or more of the Aetna group of companies, including Aetna Life Insurance Company and its affiliates (Aetna).

Health benefits and health insurance plans contain exclusions and limitations.

Also of interest: