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Working together to solve the teen mental health crisis


We’re dedicated to working with you to resolve the teen mental health crisis. We’re here with resources you need to best support your young patients.


Partnering with Psych Hub


Our behavioral health providers can have a meaningful impact on our members. That’s why we’re partnering with Psych Hub, the world’s largest online platform for mental health education. Psych Hub offers access to best-in-class behavioral health resources on evidence-based interventions, built with the provider and their patients in mind.


What you’ll receive


You’ll get free access to a series of courses you can take to earn an eLearning certification in suicide prevention (video), developed by leading experts at Columbia University, the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University.


Course titles and descriptions


“CBT Adaptations for Adolescents”

Learners will build on their knowledge of CBT Foundations and acquire the skills to summarize developmental factors related to adolescents, create strategies to help young clients engage and stay motivated to continue therapy, and develop a rapport with adolescent clients’ parents or guardians and include them in treatment as appropriate.


“DBT Foundations”

Learners will find out how to identify the stage of treatment the client is currently in, understand the client’s Life Worth Living goals, target an initial focus of treatment, and collaboratively define the highest priority goal of treatment.


“DBT Skills — for Clinicians”

These four modules cover the four main guiding practices and skills of DBT for providers to learn and reinforce implementation specifically with adolescent clients.


The courses include:


  • Expert instruction and role play
  • Scenario-based activities
  • Engaging animated videos
  • Resources and homework for your patients


You can earn national Continuing Education (CE) credits and Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits for these courses.


When you can start


This offering is now available to commercial behavioral health providers. Sign up for suicide prevention courses.

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