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Submitting additional diagnosis codes for encounters (supplemental file feeds)


Sending encounter data for all services rendered is a crucial step in accurately reporting data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). You can submit supplemental diagnosis codes for risk adjustment purposes through an Alternative Submission Method (ASM).


Reasons to submit a supplemental file include but are not limited to the following:


  • There are more than 12 diagnosis codes identified for a single professional claim form.
  • You have an EMR system that truncates diagnosis codes for claim submission.
  • You use a clearinghouse that only submits a certain number of codes per claim.


ASM files do not require proof-of-service documentation and do not require Primary Source Verification (PSV) audits, unlike a HEDIS® supplemental file feed.


Aetna® encourages submission of this supplemental data to make up for the limitations on the number of diagnoses that can be submitted through the claims process.


If you have questions or to initiate the ASM setup process, please send an email to Risk Adjustment. In the subject line, type “ATTN: ASM.”

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